Earth Day was first celebrated in the United States on April 22, 1970 . Today, there are more than 190 countries and one billion people mobilizing on this specific day. Although several other initiatives have emerged, Earth Day is now the largest participatory environmental movement in the world.
A little late but not without dynamism, Quebec and Canada joined the movement in 1995 by organizing all kinds of awareness activities regarding environmental issues. From this movement comes numerous environmental action and awareness programs.

Not without importance, Earth Day sows seeds for a better future. How can we, in our daily lives, make our day Earth Day? The actions are endless. Obviously, it is not in a simple article that we can do the trick! We are looking into the issue and giving you some avenues for action:
Adopt one of the following sentences:
- Carry a reusable water bottle in your purse or work bag.
- Leave a reusable cup in your car or work bag.
- Refuse the straws offered to you
- Leave reusable grocery bags in your car at all times.
- Favor bulk products and foods.
- Ditch the individualized portions for lunches which are more expensive and generate more waste.
Avoid products containing chemicals
- Favor organic foods and products.
- Opt for clothing made from natural and ecological fibers .
- Avoid clothes that require dry cleaning . Not only is this process polluting, but it increases the real price of your clothing.
- Gradually change your household cleaning products with biodegradable products which are increasingly present on the market.
Reduce your oil use

- Travel as often as possible by bike, on foot or by public transport.
- Avoid textiles that are petroleum-based such as polyester.
- Avoid anything made of plastic: water bottles, excess packaging, toys, etc.
- You need to change your car: look at options that consume less oil.
Give the best possible end of life to the objects you get rid of
- Does your city not offer a composting service? Take two minutes to call them and let them know you want access.
- Take an empty jar and place the batteries that no longer work in it. Take them to a place where they can be collected. Buy a charger and rechargeable batteries, they will cost you less in the long run.
- Take a tour of your pharmacy, identify medications that are expired and take them to the pharmacy.
- Avoid throwing away objects that are still usable, find an alternative (organization, artisan recycler, friend, family, neighbor, etc.).
Reduce electricity use
- Make sure your home is energy efficient : this can range from caulking to adding solar panels.
- Air dry your clothes.
- Turn down your heating or air conditioning by one degree.
- Reduce your shower time.
- Do you need to change a household appliance? Pay attention to its energy consumption.
Reduce your meat consumption

Obviously this list is far from exhaustive! There are endless ways to be more mindful of our ecological impact. Already here, we are sure that you are able to identify a gesture, a behavior that you can easily adopt. The idea is not to radically change all our habits but to constantly progress. So what will you do next?
Ecologically yours,