The way we do it at home
In the literary sense , the word fashion refers to a way of living, specific to an era, in a given region. Overall, it is a passing way of behaving and thinking that is considered good form in a given environment, at a given time. It is therefore a phenomenon which is linked to individual tastes while involving the collective through society through the way it reflects and the codes it imposes.
Fashion and clothing

Fashion can be linked to several elements such as food, toys, home styles... Fashion has existed in a more defined way since Antiquity. The Roman term modus means roughly the same thing as today and in the Middle Ages the word "fashion" was already present with, among other things, a definition linked to clothing.
In terms of clothing, fashion obviously concerns clothes and also involves accessories, makeup and perfume. The aspects that determine fashion in this sector are particularly linked to the search for aesthetics. Furthermore, far from being a new phenomenon, fashion is also an often preferred means of asserting one's social rank, one's social group, one's purchasing power and one's personality.
Fashion is certainly an effective way for many businesses to earn a lot of money, gain notoriety and success.
One of the characteristics of clothing fashion is undoubtedly the incessant and increasingly rapid change of collections (sometimes every 6 weeks!) which encourages the consumer to renew their wardrobe even before the garment is worn out, obsolete and that he has reached a real end of life.
Fashion and ecology
To simplify things, an ecological good is a good which will have a low environmental impact and which will be sustainable for the planet. To reduce the environmental impact, we must understand here that the raw material is certainly important, but that our way of using the good until its end of life is also important. By its ephemeral aspect, by its incentive to consume on a regular basis by making clothes disposable products, fashion itself cannot be considered ecological.
However, the term fashion has lately been used differently and rather inappropriately because it does not fairly represent the intention associated with it.
So why are we talking about ecological fashion?

We agree that talking about ecological fashion is contradictory. However, the main intention of bringing together the terms "fashion" and ecology is to review the way we dress while reducing our ecological impact. She certainly doesn't want to maintain the disposable aspect instilled by fast fashion.
The pooling of these two terms aims to have a definition that is closer to the concepts of: slow fashion, eco-responsible or ecological clothing , ethical purchasing... In addition to the very characteristics of the clothing (raw materials), dressing in an ecological way meets also the 3R-V criteria. We will focus here on the first 2 Rs which are directly linked to our purchases of new or used clothing.
The first real question to ask ourselves concerns the need we have: Do I really need what I am about to buy ? If the answer is no, I have just encountered the first R, which is reduction. What I don't consume logically doesn't pollute.
In addition, by disposing of clothes that are no longer suitable for us and giving them to a person who will use them or to organizations that will be able to redistribute them, it is a way of encouraging responsible fashion. In addition, by purchasing second-hand clothing, we encourage their reuse. We have just met the 2nd R of the 3R-V, reuse.
In any case, ecological fashion is a concept that does not strictly exist. In fact, the terms put together are rather contradictory. It is rather a way of naming a way of dressing that reduces our impact on ecology and the environment. This becomes possible either by the nature of the garment (e.g. textile used, local design, etc.), or by respecting the 3R-V criteria. Here, we're going to talk about dressing in an eco-responsible way.
Ecologically yours,