There are still few people who can boast of having an ecological, sustainable and responsible wardrobe. We invite everyone to aspire to this.
Not only will this make your daily life easier, it will lighten your wallet and your impact on the environment. Here are 5 tips to help you.
1. I blast my wardrobe

We agree, the majority of the population has too many clothes in their wardrobe.
So much so that it all becomes cumbersome in addition to being polluting. The first thing to do then becomes obvious. Obvious ? Not that much ! Here are some tips to help you get there.
Take the time to do things right. Plan a whole day and think about someone who might be available to do this with you for a few hours. Also bring cardboard boxes, bags and a pencil.
First, take out all the clothes and accessories you have on your bed. All there, taking care to gather what is scattered! And begin a rough sorting process. We agree that we have no choice but to have enough clothing for the seasons of our climate! The first step of sorting will therefore consist of making a spring/summer pile and another autumn/winter one.
Starting with the current season, and we suggest you make 5 piles that you will place directly in your boxes or bags.
Battery no. 1: I like the garment and I wear it regularly
Battery no. 2: I wear it sometimes but I don't like it that much.
Pile no. 3: This is an item of clothing that I wear on special occasions.
Pile #4: I have no idea if I love it, give it away or keep it.
Pile #5: I wore this item of clothing a few years ago, I never wear this item of clothing and/or will never wear it.
Batteries 1 and 5 are set. Pile 1 is useful and appreciated and so I keep it. Battery 5 is in a box and I don't look at it anymore.

For piles 2, 3 and 4. There is work to be done. Each item of clothing or accessory will be evaluated and you will have to decide. And this is where being accompanied can help. Having feedback from someone close to you can help you choose and separate the feelings of ownership you have with an item you don't use. You have to question yourself for each of the piles. The questions to ask yourself concern the condition of the garment, comfort, whether it fits you well, the color suits you...
Then, you make new piles: 1- I keep (possibility of having two sub-piles: to improve or arrange) 2- I give or I sell (and I place the items in the box or bag already provided for this effect).
It is now time to put away the clothes and accessories that you keep in a way that makes sense for you: color, category, etc. and to take the clothes you are disposing of to places (thrift store, clothing store, to a family nearby). who it would be useful...)
2- I buy less but I buy better

For a responsible wardrobe, you must choose eco-responsible and ethical clothing . Not only are they made from ecological textiles and in acceptable working conditions, but the quality is clearly there. You will probably pay a little more for them but they will be durable! Sustainable for you and the environment.
3- I take care of my clothes
Maintaining your clothes properly allows them to last longer.
This involves making sure the item of clothing is really dirty before washing it, washing in cold water with a mild, eco-friendly detergent, and avoiding putting it in the dryer.
Maintaining a garment also means repairing it or improving it if necessary. You can do it with your own hands or ask a tailor to do it for you.
4- I ensure an adequate end of life
Please don't put our clothes in the trash!
Give them directly to someone who will really enjoy it, resell them in a thrift store or on the web or find a recycling organization!
5- I rent for special occasions
There are now great clothing rental initiatives for special and one-off occasions. You will have a dream garment at a fraction of the sale price and your rental will be completely ecological! Take a look on the Internet to find them.
Ecologically yours,