Essuie-tout réutilisable
chiffon suédois  - arbre de vie
swedish cloth
chiffon suédois - 100% naturel
sewdish cloth - compostable
Essuie-tout réutilisable
Chiffon suédois

Swedish cloth Tree of life (washable paper towel)||Swedish cloth Tree of life (washable paper towel)

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Regular price $5.50 CAD
Regular price Sale price $5.50 CAD
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It offers an effective and durable alternative to sponges, dishcloths and paper towels. Truly a reusable paper towel!

It becomes soft and malleable when wet, making it easier to clean while remaining absorbent. The Scandinavians have long understood their ecological and practical aspects.

Made with cotton and plant-based cellulose fibers from FSC- certified forests, this 100% natural cloth is compostable. Its printing with non-toxic water-based ink makes it a sought-after ecological product.

Dimensions: 6.5' x 8'

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